The Business Master (4th Edition)
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Menu Wizard is designed to allow users to design customized
sets of menus for their personal computer system.
Often used programs can be organized into Sub Menus and each
individual program can be started with the press of a single
key or the press of a Mouse button once Menu Wizard is set up
for the individual system.
Each program on your system can have it's own individual password
or you can password protect whole Sub Menus of programs.
( Hide those Adult-Rated games from your kids)
You can prevent the exit to DOS or the usage of DOS oriented features
by activating a manager password known only to one or a handful of
people. A handful of often used DOS features are available from
an easily activated pulldown Menu which is visible at all times on the
Menu Wizard screen.
A choice of several attractive screen Blankers are built into
Menu Wizard to protect your screen from Video Burn In when you are
away from your desk.
The ''Desk top'' (a common term for a menu programs main screen) is
not as flexible as some menu programs but is completely customizable
for color and title.
It suffers from no compatibility problems with even very large DOS
packages that I have tried running under it.
It is designed to be simple and effective to use and to take as little
memory as possible away from the programs it may be asked to execute.
( The resident kernel MWIZ.COM takes approximately 2.5k bytes of Ram
which is not a very big chunk. Particularly with DOS 5.0 and DOS
and most device drivers loaded high.)
> ------------------- <
> <
> Operating System : MS or PC-DOS 3.0 or higher <
> Video : 256K EGA or better required <
> CPU : Will run on 8088 but 10 mHz 8086 or higher <
> with 16 bit video card is recommended. <
(Some of the screen blankers appear sluggish on a slower machine)
> RAM : Has not been tested on any system under 640k <
> but should run on 512k machine fine. A 256k <
> machine probably won't run it. <
1.) Test Bed Programs include Word Perfect 5.1, WolfenStein 3-D,HARPOON,
X-Wing Fighter and others any of which require a great deal of user RAM
all Four of the above programs ran perfectly under Menu Wizard. So did
several other game packages that take a great deal of RAM.)
2.) One disadvantage which may or may not matter is that text based
Pop-Ups (i.e. TSR's) will not pop-up in graphics mode. You may still
have them loaded but you need to invoke a DOS Shell or other Text
based environment to Pop them up.
3.) Screen Blanker TSR'S Should not be used with Menu Wizard, it has it's
own built in screen blankers. If you wish to try one, the results
may be unpredictable. Menu Wizard has not been tested with any
but it's own built in screen blankers. A graphics based screen
blanker might work but I wouldn't try it. Menu Wizard has 15 built in
screen blankers and 3 of them offer additional configuration options.)
>The User Interface of Menu Wizard consists of 3 main parts.<
>1. The Menu Screens.<
These are the user configured menus for the system.
Each Menu Consists of 20 small Buttons 2 Large Buttons
and a PullDown Menu.
Each small button will have a Title next to it (Or ITEM INACTIVE)
Depending on what color this title is it either indicates a program
or a Sub Menu.
(Default Colors are White for a program, Red for a Sub Menu
these colors are user configurable.)
To [ PRESS ] a small button on the Menu Screen you either
click it with the left Mouse button or press the key that is ind-
icated on the button.
>>PRESSING<< a button will either
>1. Activate the program<
>2. Switch to the Sub Menu<
Each Sub Menu is a complete Menu Screen in it's own right
and may have a completely different sets of programs or
some of the same programs as the previous menu.
The two large buttons are the EXIT and HELP buttons. If In a Sub-Menu
the EXIT button has the word BACK on it and takes you Back to the
menu above it (it's "Parent".) If you are on Main Menu which is always
the highest level. Then Menu Wizard gives you a chance to abort
before exiting the program. To press the EXIT button click on it with
the Mouse or press the ESC key.
The HELP button will display this file. To click on the HELP button.
CLICK It with the Mouse or press Control/H.
>2. The PULLDOWN Menu<
The PullDown Menu is activated in one of two ways.
a. By pressing the ALT key. This will highlight the first
Letter of each title in the pulldown menu. You then
activate a Menu by Keying the first letter of the menu
you want. You navigate the menu with the arrow keys and
press ENTER when the desired item is highlighted.
(or ESC to abort without selecting an item)
(once the menu is activated with the ALT KEY the Mouse
is disabled until an item is selected or ESC is pressed)
b. Place the Mouse Pointer over the title and hold down the
left button. "Pull" down the menu with the Mouse Pointer.
when the desired Item is highlighted release the Left
button to select the item. (Click the Right Button or
remove the Pointer from the menu box to abort without
selecting an item.)
The first Item on the Menu bar is the Menu Manager (MENU's) these
are the items you will be using to build and modify your menu screens
for your own system.
New Item: When selected this item will prompt you for the
location of your New Menu Item. After you indicate
the location. You will be asked if you wish the
new item to be an Item or A Sub Menu (An Item will
executed a program, a Sub Menu gives you a new Menu
Screen with more blank slots). After either option
you will be given a Dialog Box to fill in certain
information applicable to your selection. (Dialog
boxes will be covered in detail later. Dialog boxes
are navigated with the arrow and tab keys and accepted
with F1 or aborted with ESC (or the mouse on the
appropriate button) ) Items are added to the current
Menu. (i.e. the menu currently displayed on screen)
ESC will abort this option at any point.
Edit Item: Same as above but the Dialog Box will be prefilled with
existing information.
Delete Item: Removes an item from the current Menu.
Move Item: Allows you to move an existing Menu Item from one
location on the menu to another or to a SUB-MENU.
Auto Arrange: Arranges all menu items from F1 to J.
with SUB-MENU's on top and items in alphabetical
order by title.
CONFIGURATION: This Item is the same regardless of which Menu is
IT allows the User to change the following items.
Manager PassWord (more on passwords later)
Enable Manager Password
Screen Blanker Style (choice of 12 screen blankers),
Blanker interval (time interval until the screen
is blanked when no Keyboard or
Mouse activity is detected.)
>Desired File Viewer program<
Here you fill in the path and filename of the
program you want to view files when chosing the
view option from the file menu. This defaults
to VIEWFILE.EXE a simple text based viewer supplied
with Menu Wizard you may configure it to any file
viewing utility you wish that takes a file name as
a command line option.
>Desired File Manager program<
This defaults to DOSSHELL if you are using MS or PC
DOS 4.0 or higher and defaults to no file
manager if you are using DOS 3.X (Menu Wizard will
not run under DOS 2.X) You may configure it to
call your own favorite File Manager program.
(For example PCSHELL from PCTOOLs or the
you have one of these programs)
Change Color: This changes the Color for the current Menu only.
Each Menu will start out with the color of it's
parent, but can have its color scheme changed
independently of other menus.
Refresh Screen: Clears the screen and repaints the current Menu on
screen. You may have to use this option if you use
one of the following features without the device
driver ANSI.SYS installed.
menu menu files menu Dos Menu print menu
--------- ---------- --------- ----------
All these options run a utility program in a
''Window'' the method used in this program to
restrict the programs output to the ''window''
requires that ANSI.SYS be installed for the
output to have the proper appearance.
If you run any of these options with out ANSI.SYS
installed they should still function properly but
Screen Aesthetics will be disrupted. This was the
main reason for including the Refresh screen option.
(May also prove useful if a pesky TSR refuses to
restore your screen properly in Graphics mode.)
Pack MIF file: If you are a person that constantly changes his menu
arrangement you may want to use this utility.
When Menu Wizard deletes a Sub Menu it does not
actually delete the menu from the Menu Information
file (MWIZ.MIF) it merely cut's it's links to it.
MWIZPACK.EXE 'squeezes' out that extra information
that is no longer being used by the program. Reducing
the file size of MWIZ.MIF.
Exit Program: This exits the Menu Wizard from any point in the
program. If The Manager password is enabled the user
will be prompted for it before Menu Wizard Exits.
>The Next Item on the menu bar is (FILE's) file management<
M.anager: Calls the desired File Manager program
when the file manager option is chosen from
the Files Menu defaults to DOSSHELL when
running DOS 4.0 or higher not available unless
installed by user on lower DOS versions.
V.iewer: Allows a user to view a Text File with out leaving
Menu Wizard. You also get to pick what program is
used here, but it defaults to VIEWFILE.EXE which is
supplied with Menu Wizard.
E.ditor: Invokes a text editing program. Program used here
is specified in the CONFIGURATION option. Defaults
to EDIT.COM for DOS 5.0 and higher, EDLIN for 4.0
and 3.X version of DOS. (!* EDLIN *! YucK !! Set up
a better program in the configuration menu immediately
if you are not using DOS 5.0 yet.)
Copy Files: Self Explanatory
Delete Files: Self Explanatory
> The Next Item is The DISK item <
FORMAT DISK: Allows a user to format disks with out leaving
Menu Wizard.
(Requires the DOS program FORMAT.COM to be pres-
ent in the DOS Path. and the Device Driver
ANSI.SYS to properly format screen output.)
COPY DISK: Allows the DOS DiskCopy command to be executed with-
out leaving Menu Wizard.
(Requires the DOS program DISKCOPY.COM to be pres-
ent in the DOS Path and the Device Driver ANSI.SYS
to be installed to properly format screen output.)
CHECK DISK: Allows the DOS CHKDSK command to executed with-
out leaving Menu Wizard.
(Requires the DOS program CHKDSK.COM to be pres-
ent in the DOS path and the Device Driver ANSI.SYS
to be installed to properly format screen output.)
> * OS Shell item * <
GO to DOS : Put's you back to the DOS command line
MENU WIZARD is still in the background
use the DOS [ EXIT ] command to return to
DOS COMMAND : Enter a DOS command in a dialog box and
execute it.
>*The Next Menu is the Printer Menu*<
a. PRINT FILE: Prints a file to the printer on LPT1:
(If you only have one printer it is
probably on LPT1:)
You can not do anything else while the file
is printing !
All the below items from Print Manager require that the DOS program
PRINT, a TSR that comes with DOS be installed prior to Menu Wizard
being activated. This program allows you to print a file in the
background while continuing with another task.
QUE A FILE: Places a file in the print que for background printing.
DEQUE A FILE: Removes a file from the que. If it is currently
being printed that print operation is aborted and
the next file in the Que begins printing.
QUE STATUS: Displays the current status of the print que.
CANCEL FILE QUE: Cancels the currently printing file and all
files in the que.
PAUSE FILE QUE: Pauses the file que so you can reload paper,
change printer ribbon, etc. While printing files.
RESTART QUE: Restarts a paused que
If you put files in the Print Que and then exit Menu Wizard they
will continue to print. All of the above functions can be
accomplished with the DOS program PRINT with different command line
options. Check you DOS reference.
>* ABOUT *<
1.) About Menu Wizard copy right notice box and version #
2.) About System give you a short summary of your system
capabilities statistics. Available conventional,EMS,and
XMS Memory , Mouse Installed ?, Video card and CPU Type.
gives you some quick useful information about your system.
3. The third part of the Menu Wizard user interface are Dialog
boxes similiar to those which are common in many software packages.
The simplest Menu Wizard dialog boxes ask for FileNames or
other command line parameters to pass to programs.
Dialog Boxes have titles for each field which indicate what
information is to be entered in the field. Fields are navigated
with the Up and Down Arrow Keys and the Tab Key, pressing Enter
will also take you to the next Field.
Dialog boxes will have certain buttons in them also.
Normally an F1 Button will indicate that the entered options are
to be saved or acted upon and the ESC button will signal an Abort
and a restoral of previous information.
The Main Configuration Dialog Box also has 2 Fields which are
"Button Boxes", The Screen Blanker Choice Box and the Blanker
interval box these are used to make the choice of Screen Blanker
style. (Menu Wizard has 11 built in Screen Blankers and a plain
blank option.) and the interval at which the screen will blank when
no user activity (i.e. Mouse,KeyBoard) is detected.
These Buttons are [PRESSED] in by the Mouse or the Key indicated
on the button. If a Word is on the button it will be activated
on the Keyboard either by the First letter in that word OR the first
letter in that word in conjunction with the Control key.
A Yes/No Field in a Dialog Box can be Toggled with the Space
Bar or Right and Left Arrow Keys, or explicitly filled in with
the Y or N keys on the Keyboard.
( Some text string input fields allow the entry of strings longer
then the field is. In these fields the string will scroll from
right to left as it extends past the edge of the field. )
Text input fields will allow you to enter a text string that
contains the information requested in the Field Title.
You will be confronted with your first Dialog Box when
building your Menus. The Dialog box for Menu items requests
the following information.
Field #1 - Title -> This can be any thing at all. For
instance if you have a Word processing
package you could enter "Word Processor"
"Words", "My Writing Tools" etc.
You can also spruce it up with astericks
and the like. This will be the Title
beside the Item's Button when you are done.
Field #2 - Run Directory -> This information is not mandatory but it
can serve two important purposes.
If you wish, this directory can be made
current before the program runs.
If your program is not in the DOS path
the information furnished here is used
to search for the program in addition to
the DOS Path variable. This can be
used to execute programs that are not on
the Dos Path without changing Directorys.
If your program is in the DOS path and
it is something such as an Editor or other
software package which generates a lot of
files you may wish to switch to a special
directory before running it to store it's
files. This use does not require that the
program be in the Run Directory.
Field #3 - Program File Name --> This is the FileName your program is
stored under. This can be a .COM,.EXE
or .BAT file. If the extension is not
supplied Menu Wizard searches for
the file extensions in the above listed
order. If an explicit extension is
given the program will be executed
slightly faster, (particularly .BAT's
because they are the last searched for)
because the search will be shorter.
The DOS Path is searched first followed
by the Directory path given in RUN Dir-
ectory if the program is not found in
the DOS Path. .EXE's and .COM's are
activated by Menu Wizard directly, in
order to execute .BAT files Menu Wizard
Needs to have access to COMMAND.COM
as it loads a secondary copy of this
file to execute BATCH files. (You will
probably only need to worry about this
if you are running off of a FLOPPY based
system. Menu Wizard will need a system
disk in the boot drive to execute a
BATCH File. Menu Wizard is not rec-
ommended for use on a FLOPPY based system.)
Field #4 - Pause on Return --> Certain programs will display informa-
tion on the screen and then terminate.
You may not want Menu Wizard to auto-
matically come back and obliterate this
screen information. Putting a Y in
this field will cause a prompt to
appear on the bottom line preserving
what ever else is on screen until you
press a key indicating you are done with
Field #5 - Enable Password --> If you put a Y in this field the menu
Item will be password protected.
The user will be prompted for a password
before Menu Wizard allows the Item to
Field #6 - Ask for options --> If you want the user to be ably to
enter command line options for a program
put a Y in this Field.
Field #7 - PassWord --> You enter in this field the password
that will be used if password is enabled
the password is encrypted by a fairly
sophisticated algorithm before being
saved in the MWIZ.MIF file.
Field #8 - Change Dir to Run -> Put a Y in this field if you want Menu
Wizard to change to the path in the
Run Directory Field prior to the program
Field #9 - Permanent Command -> Type in any DOS command line options
Line Options that you want routed to the program eah
time it executes. (Optional)
This can be used in conjunction with
Ask for Options. If a string is entered
in the Permanent Options Field it will
appear as the default in the Ask for
options Dialog Box that will be presented
to the user prior to the program running.
Field #10 - Prompt for Command -> This is the prompt that will be presented
Line Options to the user if the ask for options
field is marked with a Y.
For example for a text editor you might
put the message * ENTER FILE NAME *
in this field.
The Sub Menu Dialog Box is a greatly abbreviated form of the above
dialog box. Having only the Title, Enable PassWord , and PassWord Fields.
It is filled out in much the same way.
In Addition to individual Menu items having a Password protection
option their is also a >>MANAGER PASSWORD<< that can be enabled from
the Main Config Dialog Box.
When the Manager PassWord is enabled the following functions are
password protected by the Manager PassWord.
1. All DOS Menu functions.
2. File Manager
3. Exiting the program , you can deny access to the DOS command
line by having Menu Wizard up and running.
MWIZ.COM - The Menu Wizard "Kernel"
MWIZ.EXE - Most of the Menu Wizard program.
MWIZ.HLP - This File
VIEWFILE.EXE - Text file viewer, supplied with Menu Wizard.
( You may get rid of this and configure Menu Wizard
to use another file viewer using the CONFIGURATION
screen if you prefer. )
MWIZPACK.EXE - The MIF packing utility (Not available with DEMO)
> MWIZ.MIF ( Menu Information File) <
MWIZ.MIF is automatically created by MWIZ when starting
if it does not all ready exist. It contains all Menu information
for Menu Wizard (Program & Color Information)
> <
> If you are not familiar with editing your CONFIG.SYS or <
> AUTOEXEC.BAT files please consult your DOS manual. <
> <
FILES = 10 ( Minimum )
STACKS = 9,256 ( On 8088 and 80286 machines this is necessary but
have had no trouble on 386 and higher processors
with out this command. 8088's and 80286's crash
consistently with out this command when running
Menu Wizard. {For those of you who are programmers
I believe this is due to the amount of processing
that is done in the 5 Interrupt service routines
that are a part of Menu Wizard} )
DEVICE = C:\DOS\ANSI.SYS (Format and copy disk options will
disrupt screen output with out this
device driver installed.)
DEVICE = C:\MOUSE\MOUSE.SYS (optional but this or
mouse.com in AUTOEXEC.BAT is
necessary if you want to use a mouse.)
{ All autoexec.bat commands are optional }
C:\DOS\PRINT /D:PRN (Optional but installs the DOS print
spooler for use with the print menu)
C:\MOUSE\MOUSE.COM (optional and not necessary if MOUSE.SYS
is loaded in CONFIG.SYS.
This or MOUSE.SYS is required to use a
mouse with MENU WIZARD.)
║ Any Problems with Menu Wizard should be addressed in writing to the ║
║ programmer. I will be happy to answer any inquiries to the best ║
║ of my ability. ║
║ ║
║ Anthony W. Henry ║
║ C/O Carol Anne Henry ║
║ 880 SchoolHouse Lane ║
║ Lewisberry, PA 17339 ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ A Written reply is guaranteed to all Menu Wizard registered users. ║
║ If you are not registered see the file ORDER.FRM that ║
║ come with Menu Wizard. ║
End Of Menu Wizard Help....